Dear Agents,
We are happy to present Air Greenland’s agent website for our agents!
Here you will find practical information, procedures, informations about our products, templates etc.
You can search on a word in the searchbar and a list of options will come up.
There are links to our subsidary companies.
There is a facebook feed on the left side of the frontpage where you will find all our posts.
The headlines are in Greenlandic, when you click on the post it will direct you to Facebook where you will find the complete post in Greenlandic, Danish and English.
OBS: some of the post are in Greenlandic and Danish only.
Follow pages for push notifications when there are new articles or when articles are updated, you will reciece a push notification in your mail. You click on follow on a headline and fill in the blanks - you will have to follow all the headlines UPDATE, SALES AND PRODUCT NEWS, GENERAL INFORMATIONS. PROCEDURES, Who to contact, for push notifications on all of them.
The Air Greenland Agent website is designed to provide a complete self-service support option for our agents.
Best Regards
Air Greenland
Agentservice -