A passenger can be denied boarding due to different reasons. The outcome for the passenger depends on whether it is flight or passenger related.
Flight related denied boarding
The passenger can be denied boarding due to overbooking of the flight and in case the passenger does not voluntarily stand down, the passenger has the right to be compensated, incl. accommodation and food if needed.
There will be no compensation if the passenger is rebooked within 4 hours.
It is possible to cancel and refund the ticket in case the purpose of the trip is forfeited due to denied boarding and the passenger chooses not to be rebooked to a later flight.
If the passenger accepts the rebooking, the passenger will be rebooked to the first available flight or to a later date, chosen by the passenger.
There can be different rates of compensations, depending on where the passenger is flying out of.
Passenger related denied boarding
The passenger can be denied boarding if the passenger arrives to check in later than 1 hour before departure and check in has been closed.
The personnel also reserves the right to deny boarding of passengers if they see the passenger unfit to fly, this could be due to medical reasons, intoxication or if they assess the passenger to cause discomfort to the other passengers.
In the case of a passenger related denied boarding, the passenger will not be rebooked and the ticket will be registered as a no-show, and only taxes can be refunded.