When searching for availability on Air Greenland flights, a list of all (up to 9) available seats will be shown. Please note that some flights might not be shown, if searched separately, due to prioritizing of the through flights, from one origin to a destination.
An example is that the first connecting flights in Kangerlussuaq, from a trip originating in Copenhagen and destination is Nuuk, will not be shown if searched for separately: SFJ-GOH due to traffic restrictions, but will be shown when searching: CPH-GOH.
G-class (group) will always be on request. When booked, these will automatically be put on queue to Air Greenland. Air Greenland will reply and the PNR will be put on queue to the agent requesting the G-class. Please notice that Air Greenland have up to 24 hours to process group requests.
You can read more about group rules and conditions on this page: